A practical approach to self-sufficiency under the guidance and rulership of a righteous King.
What is Kingdom Autarky ?
It is a social-economic framework based on Kingdom principles and under the wisdom and teachings of Jesus Christ.
- In the Kingdom, Jesus is King.
- His righteousness rules over everything.
- We are merely managers/caretakers of Kingdom assets.
- The King sees all and we will surely reap what we sow.
- With this frame of mind, we can develop a new social-economic framework.
Why do we need a new social-economic framework?
Because the world has turned away from the teachings of Jesus and is headed towards chaos and destruction. The disease of greed has poisoned the souls of men. And if we don’t stop the spread now, our world will be made in THEIR image.
Where does your money go?
Into whose pocket does it flow?
Implementing Kingdom Autarky
From Seed to Fruition:
By implementing an Ancient Prosperity Formula known as Tithing, we can eliminate greed from the marketplace and recirculate wealth and goodwill creating prosperity for all.
The beauty of the Kingdom is that our King sees all, and rewards are sure to be granted one way or another. So joyful labor is one of the cornerstones of Kingdom life and the reward is an ends in itself. Remember, God sees all.
GRACE, by definition means “courteous goodwill,” or “the divine favor from God.” In the Kingdom economy, we use the physical manifestation of GRACE in the form of a digital medium of exchange to facilitate small transactions without middleman institutions and fees.
Jesus, in his own words, instructed us to “Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” In fact, the Kingdom message is what he preached about the most. He didn’t want religion, he wanted to spread the good news about his Kingdom. This is the foundation of his ministry and the building blocks of Kingdom Life. We invite you to explore the plans for Kingdom University from Pre-K on up.
With a donation of $20 or more, receive a “Jesus is King” license plate frame as a gift. The best way to spread the Kingdom message is by simply announcing and declaring who is King. “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.” ~ Matthew 10:32
First step to Kingdom building is seeking the King’s blessing and divine wisdom thru prayer. And when done collectively, when two or more are gathered in His name, there will He be with us.
So we hijacked an infamous time once reserved for the undisciplined mind, and made it a holy time of reflection and prayer for those with royal hearts.
At 4:20 of each day, as one unit, we collectively pray the Lord’s Prayer.
Four Guiding Principles
Bring people together.
Brotherly Love
Lend a helping hand when we can.
Joy of Work
Making service to others a labor of love.
Strong Moral Will
Having the resolve to never capitulate.