The Meeting of the Master.
The Mastermind Meeting.
I was born an optimist. But life has a way of beating that out of you, and for the longest I felt helpless, defeated, and small. I became a full-time resident in a province called “Victimhood” where I wallowed in…
my own despair. But my late Mother didn’t raise me to be a victim. She taught me that ‘to despair is to turn your back on God,’ so I knew I had to break thru. But I didn’t know how.
Break Down or Break Thru?
Stuck in no mans land and handcuffed in indecision, I demanded the universe (God) answer the age old question of "What am I suppose to do with my life?" Then a thought came to me, "What would the great men of the past do if they were here today?"
Now what I'm about to describe next may have just been my imagination running wild, but the information I received was sound, so it matters not.
Meeting of the Master
To get answers, I summoned a mastermind meeting consisting of people I admire. Michael Alvarado, Napoleon Hill, Michael Jackson, Muhammed Ali, John F. Kennedy, William Wallace, John Lennon, Malcolm X, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, and John Wooden.
Oh, Jesus joined mid-session and to no surprise summed up everything in just a few words. But everyone contributed and the meeting was a big success.
Michael Alvarado suggested, “We can be the generation that learns how to love.”
Napoleon Hill proclaimed, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring himself to believe he can achieve.”
Michael Jackson cried, “We are the world, make it a better place.”
Muhammad Ali recited a short poem, “Me. We.”
John Lennon chanted, “All we are saying is give peace a chance.”
William Wallace pleaded, “What would you do without freedom?”
JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
Abraham Lincoln reasoned, “The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.”
Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
John Wooden offered that, “You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for another.”
Malcolm X caused a stir when he said, “By all means necessary.”
Then Jesus entered, and the room fell silent in attention. I couldn’t help notice Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X bow humbly with the most sincere respect and admiration.
Jesus spoke softly and instructed,
"Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all (these) things shall be added unto you."
I was confused?
Everyone nodded in collective agreement of the words just spoken but I felt out of place. I had no business sitting with these greats, and I had no idea what this meant or how to apply this in my life. However, I did muster the courage to raise my hand and He called on me and asked softly....
"Samuel, how may I rest your weary head?"
The kindness of his voice instantly calmed my nerves and bolstered me, "These are all nice words and all but ..um.. how does this solve the real world problems we are facing today?"
I looked around the room
...and was met with only compassionate smiles. "You know the powers-that-be have just about everything locked up... they got the media, the judges, the guns, and the minds of the masses, so how do we defeat them?" I rambled as half the room looked down and stopped smiling.
Jesus replied,
"There is no such thing as 'Them,' there is only Us. Worry not and have faith my child for to unlock the control that binds you, ponder these questions:
Where does your energy (money) go?
Into whose pocket does it flow?
Do you know?"
Without really pondering I blurted,
"But no one really cares where their energy (money) goes these days, it's a dog eat dog world and as long as 'they' get what 'they' want, then 'they' can care less...so how could this be the solution?"
Jesus replied,
"The time is ripe for these questions to be asked for it shall cause a spark of civic duty. The duty to channel your energy and resources wisely. This spark shall ignite into a flame and create ‘men of fire’ who will do great things for their community. You will recognize these men for they glow with courage, compassion, and carry a sharp sword of the will. Their light cannot be extinguished by displays of indifference and mediocrity....
He continued,
To the contrary, their touch will burn the desolate outer layers and expose the pilot light within us all, including the ones you call "They." The simple act of redirecting goodwill will fuel these flames and keep the fire going.
This, my son is your calling. To create and maintain a ‘campfire’ where one can fuel their pilot light and where all can warm up to its glowing. For you are a man of fire! Do you shine dimly or ‘like the sun?’ He boomed!
"I should like to shine more like the sun,"
I answered earnestly, and then was hit with a thunderbolt of revelation as I repeated, "I should like to shine more like the Son."
Satisfied with my answer, He said,,
“Your understanding is enough to begin your great works. Thy kingdom awaits you. Build your castle on a foundation of these four cornerstones:
Four Guiding Principles:
1) Unity.
2) Brotherly Love.
3) Joy of Work.
4) Sharp Sword of the Will.
"I will be with you All Ways."
(meeting adjourned)
A Kingdom Seeking Company
The Ultimate Marketplace for the Future of Mankind.
Campfire for Men of Fire.
Project GRACE
Sharing GRACE in the form of a digital medium of exchange.
(Coming soon!)
Kingdom 4:20
A Time for Prayer