Kingdom University

A Place for Higher Learning

Darkness in Hebrew means Ignorance.  The Prince of Darkness rules over the world by keeping us in ‘not knowing.’  The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, is the light of the world and thru Him we gain knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.  Without these qualities society becomes dysfunctional.  With these qualities society becomes a powerhouse.

Kingdom Theology

Here in America we pride ourselves on our rugged independent nature.  But in the Kingdom of God, dependency on the King is what actually sets us free. 

Because His rules are simple and His yoke is light:  “In everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you.”  The King takes care of the rest.

To better understand, we turn to the teachings of Dr. Myles Munroe who is the leading authority on Kingdom theology, philosophy, and culture.  Unfortunately, he passed away in 2014 but his important message still lives on.

A Revolution in Higher Education

The Kingdom University is based on Kingdom Principles and applies to every aspect of academia and life.  It will replace the need for public institutions from pre-school on up, as will produce critical thinking Kingdom citizens instead of indoctrinated regurgitators of information.  It will be accredited not by the weak standards of today’s public school systems, but by the ‘degree’ of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom one can demonstrate in any field of study.

Today, information is abundant and instantly available.  But knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are not.  Access to knowledge does not mean we will seek it.  Obtaining knowledge does not mean we will understand it.  And understanding requires wisdom to apply it beneficially.

So the first step is to SEEK.  (Kingdom University curriculum coming soon).



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“Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.” 

~ Matthew 10:32

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